Struggling readers / students with learning differences experience success with us.

You are in good hands with us. Our passionate founder is highly trained with the well respected Orton Gillingham multi-sensory approach.

Our Products

See what Laughing Ogre Press has to offer

Bug Books

These brightly illustrated, contemporary books have even the youngest reader engaged.
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Emerging Readers

An emerging reader focuses on patterns to solidify new sounds and rules. We have developed games that isolate these patterns. From short a to vowel pairs our games are a fun way to practice a variety of sounds.


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High Level Readers

High-level students enjoy playing games too! So why not add a few challenging games to your collection!

If you have any questions. We will answer them for you

See our frequently asked question or reach out to us.
Who are you, and why should I trust your products follow the tenets of Orton Gillingham?
Great question! I am a highly trained Og practitioner with over 10,000 hours of tutoring hours under my belt. I started my journey over 20 years ago with Sonday System training and then went on to OG training through Orton Gillingham of Minnesota; I received all four levels of training that were offered at the time. I then began working at Orton Gillingham Reading Specialists and was mentored by Karen Sonday, Fellow OGA, and her mother, Arlene Sonday, Founding President of OGA. Students and teachers thoroughly test my games for playability and fun! The teaching materials are all edited by a Fellow before release. 
Your games seem kind of expensive; why is that?
Thanks for asking! All of my products are printed in the USA! I knew it was a risk, but it was important to keep my production local. This added to the expense. If you are in the lower 48, you don’t pay any shipping, so it’s a win-win! 
Do you still tutor?
Recently I was asked to join an OG training team. Since that is time-consuming, I am taking a little break from tutoring; I would be happy to send you some recommendations of great tutors if you message me!

Your Bug Books look cute; who are they for?
These books are designed for early readers, but many folks have been telling me students of all ages enjoy these adorable bugs' tactics.

What is the scope and sequence of your decodable books?
My books follow the short vowel introduction of a, i, o, u, and e, with all consonants. All books are primarily CVC, with a handful of irregular words and a few fizzle/floss words tossed in when needed.

What age group are your games for?
My games cover all levels of reading acquisition. Prereader games include shapes, colors, and letters for names or sounds. Emerging readers focus on CVC games to blends and -ck. Higher-level games challenge students with multisyllabic words and morphology. All of the games touch on some aspect of Phonological Awareness.

Our Blog

explore, discuss, ponder the thoughts from my notebook

-dge I am concluding my series of short vowel-based patterns with <dge>. Click the attached links to read about the...
Does Sammy really like fried zebras?  The pattern of doubling <f>, <l>, <s>, and <z> in a one-syllable word after...
/ch/ -tch after a short vowel  Don’t you love that we have a pattern that is so simple to follow? ...